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Davidstone Li was bar leader at Barcode, one of the best nightclubs in Taipei. Barcode locates in the bussiest and most fashionable commercial district in Taipei, operated by the famous 18 group.

Now Davidstone ownes and operates a coffe shop called Astar, serving coffee and innovative cocktails.


  • 7ml Campari
  • 2 dashes Chocolate bitters
  • 15ml Lemon juice
  • 5ml Orgeat syrup
  • iKi Beer Ginger


Shake the Gin, Campari, bitters, lemon juice, and orgeat syrup in an iced cocktail shaker and pour into a chilled flute.
Top with the ginger Iki, stir gently, and garnish with a grapefruit twist.

This recipe was written and published by Davidstone Li

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